Your learning and development journey with Austin International

Posted on:

13th September 2023

Our commitment is to support our incredible people in every aspect of their jobs, enable them to develop new skills, improve performance, and adopt new behaviours to create a true culture of learning.

It's not just about shaping careers, but also contributing to personal growth and success. We believe in dreaming big, taking risks, and embracing lifelong learning because we know that incredible futures are built through continuous growth and self-belief. 

Our FlexAppeal policy allows our people to choose where and when they work most productively. In line with this, our learning and development approach is designed to be accessible and supportive. By aligning our learning and development approach with our flexibility policy, we empower our people to continuously grow their skills, enhance their performance, and achieve their full potential in a way that suits their individual needs.

“Flexibility is not just about location, it is also about how people learn and how leaders facilitate learning. It would be a travesty for L&D professionals to not rethink what true flexibility looks like when it comes to learning.” Says Amy, our Head of Performance Development, in the LinkedIn learning report.

From an interactive learning platform to sales training and 1:1 coaching, we’ll share insight into how we support our people’s growth and development.

Welcome week

We understand that starting a new role is a big and exciting, but also often slightly scary step. To make all our new starters feel welcome, included and supported from day 1, we offer a week-long onboarding programme, run by our dedicated Onboarding Specialist. During this week, new starters get the opportunity to meet new people, learn about our company processes and values, and get a first taste of what the job ahead will look like. They also get a chance to ask their many, many questions, and get a first flavour of what makes working at AI so exciting.

Sales training

To make sure our recruitment consultants are not only familiar with their roles and responsibilities but also embrace our values and processes, we run a 4-week sales programme, specifically designed to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their careers in recruitment. The programme covers every aspect of the recruitment cycle in a gamified and immersive way. New recruitment consultants go through the programme in small cohorts, so our Technical Development Consultants can address individual needs and make sure everyone can start their AI journey with confidence and feel well-equipped. We believe that only a small amount of learning should happen in the classroom. That's why throughout the programme the consultants spend time on desks with their managers and teams, to give them a chance to immediately apply new learning, practice new skills, and bring any upcoming questions back to the classroom the next day. This makes our training approach more applicable and sustainable.

Tailored 1:1 coaching

We understand that every individual has unique needs and learning styles, and we believe in providing tailored training that caters to those specific requirements. Our leaders and dedicated Learning and Development team work closely to identify areas of improvement and create a personalised training plan that addresses their specific goals. These individualised sessions allow our people to receive focused attention, ask questions, clarify doubts, and receive guidance from experts in their respective fields. By offering this personalised approach to training, we ensure that our people receive the support they need to enhance their skills and reach their full potential in a way that is best suited to their learning styles and preferences.

Leadership training 

Strong leadership is the ability to effectively navigate challenges, guide a team towards success, and create a positive and inspiring work environment. It involves demonstrating integrity, empathy, and vision while empowering others to reach their full potential. That's why we have a dedicated Head of Performance Development, Amy, and a Global Learning and Development Partner, Christine, who both bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in leadership training. Amy serves as a valuable resource, providing coaching and guidance to our current and aspiring leaders. With her expertise, she helps our leaders unlock their full potential and become the best versions of themselves. Amy understands that effective leadership is crucial for driving success and encourages our leaders to develop their skills, cultivate their strengths, and adapt their leadership styles to inspire their teams.


We believe in the power of collaboration and continuous learning. That's why we offer a range of masterclasses that are run by individuals at all levels and expertise. These masterclasses provide a unique opportunity for our people to share their knowledge and expertise with their peers. By doing so, they not only contribute to a culture of knowledge-sharing but also create the chance for our people to learn new ways of thinking and approaching challenges. Through these masterclasses, our people benefit from exposure to new ideas and approaches that can have a transformative effect on their work.

Skill snacks

We’ve developed a library of short, on-demand training videos hosted on GWEN. Similarly to masterclasses, these videos are created by different people across the business and are laser-focused on a particular skill or piece of knowledge. These videos serve as quick, bite-sized resources that provide valuable tips and tricks for achieving success in various aspects of our work.

Lunch & learns

Lunch and learns are voluntary sessions that take place during lunchtime, either online or in person. Our people bring their lunch along and learn from one another. The purpose of lunch and learns is to bring together individuals from across the business in order to foster collaboration and drive personal, team, and business development. These sessions are led by anyone in the business who is interested in sharing their knowledge, whether it be sales skills, business strategy, or other relevant topics. In addition, our DE&I Advocate has also hosted lunch and learns focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

External experts to facilitate key sessions 

In addition to our internal resources, we also invite external experts to facilitate learning sessions. Some of our externally facilitated sessions are specific to recruitment, where we gather insights into current recruitment trends and best practices. Others may be more motivational and inspirational, focusing on personal development, leadership, and well-being. For example, we recently invited Matt Pepper to do a talk on creating better mental and emotional fitness. These sessions are designed to help our employees thrive both professionally and personally.

Our leaders and Principal Consultants are given the opportunity to opt-in to a subscription called Sales Psyche. These sessions are designed to elevate performance through a strong, happy and empowered mindset.

We take great pride in being more than just a recruitment company; we are a driving force for personal and professional development. We encourage our people to challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and carve their own path towards success. We LOVE to witness our people’s growth and see them flourish into the best versions of themselves. That's why we’re proud of our investment in learning and development!